In latest Pop-up of Speak Asia, announced that it will not send new surveys for 2 weeks i.e from 6th July 2011 to 19 July 2011 due to transition from the existing website to the new website. Speak Asia is launching its new Website on 10th July 2011 in which you will be able to buy new products. You will able to fill Survey only form 20th July 2011 and you also be given 2 week extension to complete your surveys. Subscribe to Syconet World by Email.
Speak Asia launch of New Product website YUG is very important for panelist and Speak Asia also. In the transfer it may also happen that some new member can be left out due to database error, may be this is the only reason that Speak Asia is taking 2 weeks for the transfer so that all the data is transferred safely.
Hurrey...!!! Now we'll be able to shop online through SPEAKASIA's new website. Give a big clapping..!!!!!!!!!!!!
speak asia
hurry up