From past few months Ram survey and Speak Asia online websites are not working. And even there is no latest update about Speak Asia and Ram Survey. If both the companies are genuine then why they are not publishing and press notice and advertisement. Till now there is no news of both these companies. Subscribe to Syconet World by Email.
Speak Asia website is redirecting to some page due to Whois error. and showing the above error while Ram Survey website is completely closed and there is no news of it. Even in there official Facebook fan page, they have not updated from 2-3 months. Now there is a fear that this companies never gona return our hard earned money. Still court case is going on and don't know when court will give good news to panelist. If you have any latest update with you, then do share.
please check properly site is opened
Speak Asia site started working but Ram survey site is not working.