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Friday, September 18, 2009

Adding Favicon and Animated Favicon to Blogger


So you want to add Favicon or Animated favicon to your blog. This post will tell you how to add favicon of your choice to the Blogger very easily.

Simple Favicon to Blogger
To add a simple Favicon to your Blogger just follow these simple steps
1.Login to your Blogger Account
2.Then go to Layout--> HTML
3.Then Press Ctrl+f to find </head>

4.Then above </head> put below code

<link href='Your link favicon address' rel='SHORTCUT ICON'/>

5. Preview before saving and then save.

Animated Favicon to Blogger
You might be wondering be seeing my Favicon as it is animated but i want to tell you that the same above process is applied for Animated favicon also.
Just repeat the above process and put the code above </head>

<link href='http://yourhosting siteurl_to_your_animated.gif' rel='SHORTCUT ICON'/>

And that's it. Now just save your HTML setting in blogger and Enjoy the Favicon

If your thinking where to host your .gif image if you don't have your hosting account then use Imageshack. It is a very good site to upload your GIF images.



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